WSC response to the European Commission's Public Consultation on "Ship recycling – European list of ship recycling facilities (14th edition)
WSC response to the EU to the European Commission's Public Consultation on "Ship recycling – European list of ship recycling facilities (13th edition)”
World Shipping Council member companies represent over 90% of global liner shipping industry container and vehicle carrier capacity. We are committed to working with the EU Institutions to advancing sustainable and responsible shipping practices worldwide and support EU leadership at the IMO for more ambitious actions and higher standards when it comes to ship recycling.
European Commission evaluation of the Consortia Block Exemption Regulation - WSC, ICS and ASA submission
WSC response to the Public Consultation on the revision of the EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED II).
Promoting the uptake of alternative fuels that are immediately available is appropriate, but the principal objective should remain focused on the development and introduction of zero-carbon fuels and technologies. This is imperative if we are to see the introduction of zero-emission ships in the 2030s and the achievement of EU climate objectives.