Our latest news and releases

USA, Covid-19 Anna Larsson USA, Covid-19 Anna Larsson

Normalized demand, not regulation, will solve supply chain delays

The Covid-19 cargo congestion brought on by extreme demand in combination with operational disruptions is very real and felt across supply chains globally. In the U.S. in particular, all parts of the supply chain are facing unprecedented pressures – there is a lack of rail and truck capacity, warehouses are full, and ports are bursting at the seams. It is in part in this context that the President is issuing an Executive Order that addresses shipping along with other industries.

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Liner Carrier CEO'S Urge Government to Support Industry-Financed R&D Push

We are committed to decarbonisation and ready to do our part. The international maritime transportation system drives the world economy. World trade and the world’s economies cannot afford a chaotic decarbonisation of shipping. Nor can time be lost in effectively tackling the challenge. We therefore invite all governments to show engagement and climate leadership on the international stage, through support for the IMRB at the UN IMO.

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Shipping bodies call on world leaders to bring forward discussions on global market-based measures

Ahead of President Biden’s climate summit, shipping industry bodies representing the majority of maritime trade have called on world leaders to quickly commence deliberations on how mandatory market-based measures (MBMs) could be implemented for international shipping.

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Support grows for USD 5 billion research fund to decarbonise shipping as Denmark joins major shipping nations

The proposal to create a USD 5 billion USD International Maritime Research and Development Board (IMRB) was submitted to the UN’s International Maritime Organisation (IMO) on the 10th of March 2021 by Georgia, Greece, Japan, Liberia, Malta, Nigeria, Palau, Singapore, and Switzerland. Denmark now joins as a co-sponsor, and we expect several other nations to voice their support for the proposal at the next meeting of the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee in June.

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