The impact of short voyages and waiting time on CII rating (MEPC 79/7/13)

Submitted by Bahamas, Liberia, ICS, BIMCO, INTERTANKO, WSC and INTERFERRY.

This document comments on the scope of the CII G5 guidelines adopted at MEPC 78, and provides further justification for the addition of correction factors for short voyages and port waiting time. As articulated within the previous document ISWG-GHG 12/2/3, the aforementioned correction factors are two of several key elements that should be incorporated into the CII system.

Read the full document here.


Understanding Net-Zero, Near-Zero, Absolute Zero, and Zero (ISWG-GHG 13/3/9)


European Commission evaluation of the Consortia Block Exemption Regulation - WSC, ICS and ASA submission